vRx vs Qualys: Which one is right for you?
While Qualys offers vulnerability assessment with detailed reporting, vRx provides a unified and real-time approach to vulnerability management, from detection to remediation. For organizations aiming for faster, actionable insights, vRx is the efficient alternative to Qualys’ periodic scan results.

Which solution is right for you?

Real-Time, End-to-End Vulnerability Management
vRx provides continuous visibility into vulnerabilities with real-time data updates, closing the remediation gap for improved security. With built-in patch management, intelligent prioritization, and Patchless Protection™, vRx empowers teams to remediate efficiently and effectively, all from a unified cloud-based dashboard.

Detailed, Scheduled Vulnerability Assessment
Qualys offers a detailed vulnerability assessment solution designed for periodic scanning and comprehensive reporting. While it provides granular insights, its dependency on point-in-time scans and separate patching interfaces can slow remediation efforts, making it more suitable for organizations with resources dedicated to extensive analysis and multi-tool integration.