
GDPR and Vicarius vRx

An overview of GDPR requirements and how Vicarius' vRx assists with confidentiality & integrity of data by ensuring visibility into vulnerabilities, and very importantly, remediation of those vulnerabilities, thereby reducing the risk exposure.

What is GDPR?

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a pan-European data protection law, which superseded the EU’s 1995 Data Protection Directive.

It addresses the rights of individuals to control how their personal data is collected and processed, and places a range of obligations on organisations (both controllers and processors) to be more accountable for data protection.

It affects all EU organisations (for UK organisations, the GDPR is still retained, but referred to as the UK GDPR) that collect, store or otherwise process the personal data of individuals residing in the EU, even if they are not EU citizens.

It also affects organisations based outside the EU that offer goods or services to EU residents, monitor their behaviour, or process their personal data.

The GDPR covers six data processing principles that data controllers and processors must comply with. Personal data must be:

  • Processed lawfully, fairly and transparently.
  • Collected only for specific legitimate purposes.
  • Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary.
  • Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
  • Stored only as long as is necessary.
  • Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security.

How can Vicarius vRx help?

Vicarius vRx can assist data controllers, and data processors, through assisting with the confidentiality & integrity of data by ensuring visibility into vulnerabilities, and very importantly, remediation of those vulnerabilities, thereby reducing the risk exposure.  

Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Prioritisation:

vRx is a cloud based solution, with agents running on managed endpoints.  These agents provide accurate insights into your digital footprint through vRx’s real-time asset visibility with an exhaustive catalogue of active servers and workstations, and the Operating Systems and Applications running on those systems.

With full visibility into the endpoints, vRx will first of all identify the vulnerabilities present in the environment, in addition vRx’s 0-Day analysis uses a proactive approach that continuously analyses, predicts and identifies novel binary level threats.

Then vRx's Asset Risk Analysis engine ranks the vulnerabilities of any deployed asset in your organisation, providing a risk score based on their level of analysed risk and exposure, specific to your unique environment.


Once the vulnerabilities are identified, vRx can assist with the remediation of the issues, both manually and on an automated, scheduled basis.  vRx patch management fully supports Windows, macOS, and Linux.  With flexible and easy-to-use tools that are managed from an intuitive interface, your IT and security teams will be able to get more updates deployed faster across a wide library of OSes and applications.

The remediation approach can be managed very easily through the dashboard, and can be run either as a one off manual task, or built as an automated scheduled task, so you can schedule patch deployments during off hours and planned downtime.  This will ensure that your systems stay patched as applications are updated or installed by users.  See how to patch using vRx.

vRx keeps track of all events and actions pertaining to patch management and vulnerability remediation for troubleshooting, ensuring you can fully audit your patch management process.

Click here for a demo of vRx.

Agnayee Datta

Agnayee runs marketing at Vicarius

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